“Bring Your Own Surface (or Not) Chalk Workshop”
If you have a surface (blackboard, wood, metal, class, crock, etc.) that you’d like to chalk —bring that surface in order to create the look you desire! It’s not required that you bring your own surface - you can still select one at our shop, if you prefer.
Chalk Workshop fee is $12. for each chalker. If not bringing your own surface the cost of the chalk will also include the surface you select to chalk on. This is a typical practice (but you are welcome to bring a surface of your own if you like - for example, do you have a specific wood used in a kitchen update or have a family crock or school slate you’d like to chalk — feel free to bring it along to chalk. Chalk paste is washable from a non-porous surface such as metal, glass, crockery, blackboards, etc. However, when chalking on wood it becomes a permanent design that you can actually spray with varnish to preserve.